Daily Rosary - Weekday before 5:30 pm Mass in the main Church
Weekly Rosary for our soldiers abroad - Wednesday 2:30 pm in the Day Chapel. All are welcome.
Our Lady's Cenacle of the Marian Movement of Priests - Our Lady's Cenacle Rosary Group invites all to pray the 5-decade rosary with them each Sunday at 3:00pm in the OLQH Day Chapel.
Our Lady has urged us to gather in cenacles to pray ardently for our priests and magisterium. Now more than ever, we need to implore Our Mother's assistance through the Most Holy Rosary. She, as Mother of unity, offers us protection against confusion and apostasy as we consecrate ourselves to her Immaculate Heart. Our parish's cenacle, consecrated to Our Lady, is strongly united to the Pope. Originally, Fr. Don Stefano Gobi began The Marian Movement of Priests in 1973, for bishops and priests to seek to live daily consecrated to Mary. Over decades, millions of laity around the world have joined ranks to help these religious pray for interior commitment.
Our Lady's Cenacle in OLQH parish has been meeting weekly for over 30 years to pray the rosary. Members, through an act of consecration, pledge to live the obligations assumed by baptismal consecration, praying for interior conversion that frees one of self-attachment and easy compromises with the world. The goal is solely glorification of the Most Holy Trinity to which we, and all priests who strive to fulfill their vocations, are called. Besides daily recitation of the holy rosary, members strive to set a good example of the observance of the law of God through the practice of Christian virtues, an austere manner of life in keeping with the Gospel, the fervent participation in the celebration of the Eucharist, and in works of the apostolate.
Join us on Sunday afternooons, and together we will pray for courage and unity of the one Apostolic Church to feed its flock, preside over it in love, and to be our foundation, keeping it secure in faith, holiness, and truth. Everyone is welcome!